Breakfast, lunch, dinner
I eat all the same
The blood is the winner
for my meal-hurray!!!

петък, 10 юни 2011 г.

Vampire breakfast

Hello again. This is one of my poems (it's for vampires, of course!), it's called Vampire Breakfast. It's meant to be lyrics for a song and I think I almost know how will the music sound. However, here is it (I hope you'll like it):


When they ask for your decision,

You can see the fear in them

To be a man in that condition

Isn’t easy, trust me, man…

It’s not your fault you’re drinking blood

It’s not your fault you’re flying higher

You’re just not in the mood

Because it’s hard to be vampire

No respect,

Just reject

They treat you like a defect

But you’re not, I bet.

The funeral starts late

Oh, happy birthday, then!

You ate a black cake

With a bloody stain

So let me in your coffin,

Share your lunch with me

It’s not just a coffee

Drain my blood and die with me

Black between the white

No one’s on your sight

The sun is shining bright…

Hey, you better hide

It’s burning from inside

Why don’t you return at night

The dark is the right

You will lose without a fight

Red rose

Black candles burning

The black crows

Are waiting your returning

The love against the hate

You will bite them both

Killing is the problem

You can never solve

So let me in your coffin

Share your lunch with me

It’s not just a coffee

You bite me, then you leave

Can you hear the church bell ringing?

Can you see the deadman walk?

Can you see the priest, who’s singing?

Who can see you need a talk?

No one, so you better go

The vampires are the only ones

Who still have a soul…

What though?

Stand the mocking

Stand the rudeness

Keep rocking!

Hurt the hurtles!

That’s the way it is

You can live with this

It doesn’t matter you’re alone

The vampires will live on!

So let me in your coffin

Share your lunch with me

It’s not just a coffee

And that’s the way it has to be…

1 коментар:

  1. It's quite metaphoric actually, it's more for outsiders than for vampires. But I think it's perfect for our little nice subject: V-A-M-P-I-R-E-S... Well, so as blood, black crows, you know-cool stuff.
    Oh, and something else-expect a story soon (1st chapter) and other things. I think I'll post something even tomorrow.
