Breakfast, lunch, dinner
I eat all the same
The blood is the winner
for my meal-hurray!!!

неделя, 19 юни 2011 г.

Doctor V.'s advices

HELLO, VAMPIRES! HERE YOU'LL FIND HOW TO SOLVE YOUR PSYCHICAL PROBLEMS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, ASK DR. V! The vampires have their problems too. If you need help or just a tip, here is the right place to find the solution. Me, I am Dr. V, as you already know, I have 53 diplomas and I am expert in everything about blood. I've helped over 300 vampires. And if you're reading this, then you are one of them.

You have drinking problem?
You drink more and more blood an you just can't get enough? You're that addicted that you can't eat anything else? Your friends are afraid of you because of that? That won't be a problem anymore! Here is the solution: at first try to replace the blood with something else. It won't be easy at the beginning and you'll need one or two drops a day, but soon you won't need any. Choose something you like-it can be coffee, coke, juice, wine or even water. It doesn't matter, you just have to enjoy drinking it that much, that you'll forget the blood. Just don't get despaired and it will work out!

You have problems with the overweight?
That's because the blood contains too much calories. You're becoming fat if you overdo with it. So you have to eat dietetic meals like this form the picture-Pork blood and something in chilli sauce. If you mix the blood with something else, it will me healthier than if you eat only blood. That's the point-if you want to become thinner, you have to eat less and to practice sports (like Night flying for example).

If you have questions, ask! Expect a new post soon.

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