Breakfast, lunch, dinner
I eat all the same
The blood is the winner
for my meal-hurray!!!

четвъртък, 16 юни 2011 г.

DESOLATION OPERATION. Chapter 1, part two.

The rain stopped. Richard smiled and FINALLY lighted a cigar. Hmm, that was better.

-The window is built in a way that no one can fall through it.-explained he.-You husband didn’t fall accidentally, that’s for sure.

-So someone pushed him, right?


Richard Blacknight stared at the window over him. Well, there was another possibility…

-Or he jumped.

-What?!-amazed Grace Crow.-No, no, no, my husband wouldn’t do that! He had no reasons for suicide!

-You’re sure?-he looked at her and put on sunglasses.-He had no enemies, no reasons for killing himself, you haven’t argued…it seems like your husband was a saint, Mrs. Crow. Was he?

The woman looked at him angry, but she didn’t say anything. The vampire smiled.

-Yeah, that’s what I thought.

-But…You don’t understand! Harold was a good person!

Richard came closer took the glasses off. His eyes were shining red.

-You’re hiding something from me, Mrs. Crow. And I’m gonna find out what it is.

After he said that, he turned around and went back in the house.

-Wait…You don’t believe me?-asked the woman and fallowed him.

-I’ve never said I don’t believe you. I’m just saying you aren’t telling me everything.

Grace Crow opened her mouth to say something like “How dare you…”, but she changed her mind. She said:

-When you jumped through the window…You said something weird. You said you’re already dead. What was that supposed to mean?

-That I am dead, Mrs. Crow. Don’t forget I am a vampire. I just have to be dead.

-So…you really are dead?! No, I can’t believe that.

Richard stopped.

-Why did you call me, Mrs. Crow? I guess it wasn’t for discussing my life condition and my…hmm, breathing problem. I thought I’m here for doing my job and that’s what I’m going to do.

That closed the subject.

He came back in the living-room and took a look at the cupboards. There were only useless things like empty notebooks, broken old telephone, pencils, tablecloths, a hat… He opened the last cupboard and finally found something interesting-letters.

-Can I check these out, Mrs?-he asked the woman.-They aren’t too personal, aren’t they?

The woman sighed.

-Whatever, take them. I hope they’ll help you solve the mystery.

-I hope so.-smiled Richard.-What are they all about?

-Oh, I don’t know. Just old letters.

The vampire took them and put them in his little black suitcase. He looked at his watch.

-Oh, I have to go.-said he and smiled widely.-I don’t wanna miss the baseball this evening. Goodbye, Mrs.

Without waiting her to answer, Richard left the house.


* * *

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