Breakfast, lunch, dinner
I eat all the same
The blood is the winner
for my meal-hurray!!!

събота, 11 юни 2011 г.

Time for introducing myself

That's me:

Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Bad Blood as you already know. My parents aren't vampires like me...but sometimes I call my mother a witch, because she act like one :D I'm an outsider in school and all my schoolmates hate me, 'cause I have only good marks, I wear strange clothes, I have red tresses in my hair and-what a surprise!-because I'm a vampire and I like rock music...Yeah. All of them like terrible music like JUSTIN BIEBER and pop-shit...ugh, excuse me, pop MUSIC if that's a music at all.
And you know how mean can the kids be. Two days ago, when I was sitting under a window in front of my school, someone emptied a bottle with water on my head, but I couldn't see who that was, because he was in the school and ran away before I could smash him. My best friend's things (Burning Spin's things I mean) were all wet too. Anyway, I swore at the one, who "watered" us, a lot and I was really, really, really, REALLY PISSED OFF! If he was in front of me I could kill him, or at least bash him up. I threatened him I'll drain all of hiss blood and take a bath in it, but then I changed my mind... his dirty blood could be poisonous from so much hate.
But that was nothing. Every fucking day my classmates mock at me and Burning Spin, they call us freaks, they trip us up... Ugh. How can we tell them that we are like that only because we're vampires? No one will believe us. They'll just mock at us more.
Well, whatever. I won't torture your pour brains with my problems. I'll just tell you more about myself. I like drawing, I play the violin, the guitar and the piano, I like writing (I'm writing a novel by the way), reading and watching horror movies. I'm trying to quit the blood and...that's gonna be surprising. I wanna be vegetarian. Yup. But I can't, because I'm still a vampire and I have to eat something...hmm, let me say it like that-organic. I'm a HUGE My Chem fan and I like Nirvana too.
And I have the best friend in the whole world.
You already know her name is Burning Spin. She is at my age, she's got GREAT sense of humor, she like the same things I do and she's the only person, who understands me. She is a vampire also and I'm not sure if she's already quit the blood or not. Ask her. Whatever, we were together in the primary and the middle school and (I hope) we'll be together in the high school too. I don't know what I'm gonna do without her. Actually, she's going to write in this blog with me.
Well, I think you know enough about me now. Wait for my first story soon.
Bad Blood.

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