Breakfast, lunch, dinner
I eat all the same
The blood is the winner
for my meal-hurray!!!

събота, 25 юни 2011 г.

American Vampire

Have you ever read "American Vampire"? It's FUCKING AWESOME! That's a comic book, written by Scott Snyder, art by Rafael Albuquerque. It's obviously a story about vampires, but not vampires like in 'Twilight'. These vampires are different-twice bloodier and more than twice cooler (because these from Twilight aren't cool at all). The story starts in the Wild West, where the bank robber Skinner Sweet is captured. While he's trying to escape, he's bitten by the european vampire banker Percy, who was trying to kill him. He almost did it, but a drop of his blood fell into Skinner's eye and turned him to a vampire. But a new kind of a vampire-American vampire with new powers and characteristics: he can walk on full sunlight and on first sight nothing can kill him, even the wood, which kills every vampire. Then the story moves into the '20s. A young actress is attacked on a party of the movie director B. D. Bloch by he and his vampire friends. She was almost dead, when Skinner Sweet found her and turned her into a vampire like him. Then the story continues with many battles and fights and more and more BLOOD. It's more than cool, I advice you-READ IT! You won't regret.

Skinner Sweet and Pearl Jones...

неделя, 19 юни 2011 г.

Doctor V.'s advices

HELLO, VAMPIRES! HERE YOU'LL FIND HOW TO SOLVE YOUR PSYCHICAL PROBLEMS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, ASK DR. V! The vampires have their problems too. If you need help or just a tip, here is the right place to find the solution. Me, I am Dr. V, as you already know, I have 53 diplomas and I am expert in everything about blood. I've helped over 300 vampires. And if you're reading this, then you are one of them.

You have drinking problem?
You drink more and more blood an you just can't get enough? You're that addicted that you can't eat anything else? Your friends are afraid of you because of that? That won't be a problem anymore! Here is the solution: at first try to replace the blood with something else. It won't be easy at the beginning and you'll need one or two drops a day, but soon you won't need any. Choose something you like-it can be coffee, coke, juice, wine or even water. It doesn't matter, you just have to enjoy drinking it that much, that you'll forget the blood. Just don't get despaired and it will work out!

You have problems with the overweight?
That's because the blood contains too much calories. You're becoming fat if you overdo with it. So you have to eat dietetic meals like this form the picture-Pork blood and something in chilli sauce. If you mix the blood with something else, it will me healthier than if you eat only blood. That's the point-if you want to become thinner, you have to eat less and to practice sports (like Night flying for example).

If you have questions, ask! Expect a new post soon.

четвъртък, 16 юни 2011 г.

DESOLATION OPERATION. Chapter 1, part two.

The rain stopped. Richard smiled and FINALLY lighted a cigar. Hmm, that was better.

-The window is built in a way that no one can fall through it.-explained he.-You husband didn’t fall accidentally, that’s for sure.

-So someone pushed him, right?


Richard Blacknight stared at the window over him. Well, there was another possibility…

-Or he jumped.

-What?!-amazed Grace Crow.-No, no, no, my husband wouldn’t do that! He had no reasons for suicide!

-You’re sure?-he looked at her and put on sunglasses.-He had no enemies, no reasons for killing himself, you haven’t argued…it seems like your husband was a saint, Mrs. Crow. Was he?

The woman looked at him angry, but she didn’t say anything. The vampire smiled.

-Yeah, that’s what I thought.

-But…You don’t understand! Harold was a good person!

Richard came closer took the glasses off. His eyes were shining red.

-You’re hiding something from me, Mrs. Crow. And I’m gonna find out what it is.

After he said that, he turned around and went back in the house.

-Wait…You don’t believe me?-asked the woman and fallowed him.

-I’ve never said I don’t believe you. I’m just saying you aren’t telling me everything.

Grace Crow opened her mouth to say something like “How dare you…”, but she changed her mind. She said:

-When you jumped through the window…You said something weird. You said you’re already dead. What was that supposed to mean?

-That I am dead, Mrs. Crow. Don’t forget I am a vampire. I just have to be dead.

-So…you really are dead?! No, I can’t believe that.

Richard stopped.

-Why did you call me, Mrs. Crow? I guess it wasn’t for discussing my life condition and my…hmm, breathing problem. I thought I’m here for doing my job and that’s what I’m going to do.

That closed the subject.

He came back in the living-room and took a look at the cupboards. There were only useless things like empty notebooks, broken old telephone, pencils, tablecloths, a hat… He opened the last cupboard and finally found something interesting-letters.

-Can I check these out, Mrs?-he asked the woman.-They aren’t too personal, aren’t they?

The woman sighed.

-Whatever, take them. I hope they’ll help you solve the mystery.

-I hope so.-smiled Richard.-What are they all about?

-Oh, I don’t know. Just old letters.

The vampire took them and put them in his little black suitcase. He looked at his watch.

-Oh, I have to go.-said he and smiled widely.-I don’t wanna miss the baseball this evening. Goodbye, Mrs.

Without waiting her to answer, Richard left the house.


* * *

неделя, 12 юни 2011 г.

DESOLATION OPERATION. Chapter 1: House Behind the Hill

Richard Blacknight stopped and opened his umbrella. The raindrops were falling close to each other and the effect was totally wetting, which was making the day more awful…if that was possible. The sky was dark and it was like someone covered up the world with an ugly grey blanket. Squashy mud was sticking on Richard’s boots. Shortly said-miserable weather.

Richard looked at the big country house in gothic style. All the windows were closed and the curtains were drawn. The paint was shelled off on some places. Richard didn’t see any lights in there, the entire house was lost in darkness. It was looking abandoned. And creepy. Well, that wasn’t a problem, he was used to creepy places. That was his job.

Well, now it was time to come in. He went to the door and ringed the doorbell, a quiet melody sounded somewhere deep in the house. The sound seemed so far, so Richard supposed that the house was bigger than it looks. Then he heard footsteps, quiet scratching in the lock and the door opened. There was standing an old lady with long gray hair strictly put in a bun. She was wearing long brown skirt and a white shirt.

The woman looked at the stranger. Richard Blacknight smiled.

-Hello. I’m the person you’re expecting-Richard Blacknight.

-Oh, good evening. Well, it’s still an afternoon, but it’s dark as an evening.-the woman tried to smile too, but it was obviously that she was pretending. She was looking like someone, who never smile.-Come in.

Richard stepped into the house. It was dusk in the hall. Old black and white photographs of people, who died long ago, were staring at the visitors with looks with reproach. The wallpapers were torn on some places. And everything was covered by dust.

-Wow, it’s quite…tumbled-down here.-noticed Richard, trying to not seem rude.

-I can’t change anything.-said the woman. He noticed that this sounded like she’s not allowed to change anything and that seemed strange to him.


He took a pack of cigarettes.

-Can I smoke in here?-asked Richard.

-Sorry, but not. I have problems with the heart.

Richard sighed. He was kind of addicted to the cigars and wasn’t really happy that he couldn’t smoke in the house. He couldn’t smoke outside too, because of the rain. And that meant that he won’t smoke for hours…a real horror for him.

-Okay, Mrs…

-Crow. Mrs. Grace Crow.

-Hmm.-Richard Blacknight took a little red notebook and wrote down something.-And what exactly is the reason you called me? What’s the problem?

Mrs. Crow looked at him examining and said quietly:

-Let’s go in the living-room. It’s serious and too long to explain.

-But you called me to solve the problem, right? So you just gotta explain.-noticed he.

-Of course I’ll explain everything. But first let’s go in and sit.

They entered a big room. All the cupboards and the little table in the middle of the room were covered with pink tablecloths and there were fake flowers everywhere. Richard could never understand what the point in the fake flowers is. What was wrong with the real ones? They smell good and they look much better. But after years of careful observation, he noticed that exactly the old ladies like the fake flowers. There was something creepy in the old houses like this one-everything was fake, there was no life.

Mrs. Crow pointed him a big couch near the table.

-Have a seat.

-Thanks.-he sat and smiled. His eyeteeth were longer and sharper than usual.

Yeah. Richard wasn’t an ordinary person. He was strange even when he was a kid. He could do things that the other kids couldn’t.

Like turning into a bat for example. And his eyes were turning red every time he got angry.

So what? He just couldn’t understand what’s wrong with being vampire.

Anyway, he got another unusual possibility, which was deeply connected with his job. He just loved uncovering mysteries. Since he was seven he could see things that the normal human beings just couldn’t see, like ghosts and other creepy things. And why? Because he was a vampire, of course. He wasn’t sure if he like it or not, but the important thing was that he was making money of this.

-Now, what’s the problem?-asked he.

-First I want to make sure you are the person I wanted to see.

Without saying anything, he gave her his business card. Grace Crow put on her glasses to read it and knitted her brows. Richard knew perfectly what’s written on the card:

“Richard Johnson Blacknight.

Detective on supernatural cases and professional vampire. Official website:”

-Hmm. - Mrs. Crow gave him the card back.-Okay, Mr. Blacknight. Look what’s the problem. Five years ago my husband passed away.

-Oh, so that’s what was all about.-interrupted her Richard.-You want me to bring him back to life. Well, sorry, I can’t. I don’t do things like that.

-You’re wrong, Mr. Blacknight. Let me finish, all right? First I have to tell you how my husband died. He fell through the window of his bedroom. But…-she leaned closer to him.-But I think someone pushed him. Killed him, I mean.

-Well, that’s interesting. And what makes you think someone did that?

-Because I think Harold…my husband I mean, I think he’s trying to tell me the name of his killer. Since 2009 I’m getting messages from him.

“Great.-thought Richard.-Another freak!” But he decided to be polite.

-What kind of messages?-asked he.

-On the mirrors…


The woman looked at him in a strange way.

-Never mind. Will you take the case?

Richard wondered for a second.

-Well…okay. I’ll do it.

-Thank you!- Mrs. Crow smiled.-I appreciate that, really. When will you start?

-Right now.

He could say “no”. He could start the work later. But something made him agree. Well, so what if he try? He knew he won’t lose anything anyway.

He tried to smile again. Richard knew he look good when he smiles. He was good-looking anyway, tall, thin and fit, with black hair and big brown eyes (but they were red every time he got angry). The problem was that when he was too serious the deadly-white skin and that he wasn’t breathing was too obvious. Well, the death wasn’t big problem for him, at least he didn’t have to sleep in a coffin-it was very uncomfortable.

He stared at the woman and wondered if she’s telling the truth.

-Can you show me his bedroom? The place your husband found his death?-asked Richard.

The woman nodded.

-Follow me.

They went out of the room and got into a dark corridor. In the bottom, there were stairs. Grace Crow started going upstairs and Richard Blacknight followed her.

-Your husband, did he has enemies?-asked Richard.

-Oh, no. Everybody loved Harold.

-Then why are you so sure someone killed him? There has to be a motive.

The woman didn’t answer. She turned left to another corridor and stopped in front of a big dark wooden door.

-Here it is.

Richard went to the door and came in.

This room was lighter than all of the others. There was big bed, carefully covered by white sheet. Everything was in great order. In the far end of the room, there was a big window with a view to the backyard.

-That’s the window he fell through, right?-supposed Richard.-Can I take a look?

He didn’t wait the answer and went to the window. First he took a good look at the sill and the window-frame. Then he opened it and bended over the edge.

-Be careful, Mr. Blacknight!-said Grace Crow.

-Hmm.-Richard came back into the room.

He took a small red bottle out of his pocket and drank a little. “That’s better.”-he thought.

-Was the window opened when you saw your husband for the last time?

-Hmm, I don’t remember…Maybe yes. No, no, wait. It wasn’t, I remember. I told Harold to open it, because the weather was really hot, but he said “no”. I don’t know why.

-So you’re sure the window was closed?

-Well, I think so.

Richard looked through the window again.

-Can I try something?-asked he.

-Yes, sure.

-Thank you.

First he bended again, but obviously he didn’t like the result. Then he carefully stepped on the sill…and jumped.

-Mr. Blacknight!

Mrs. Crow went to the window panicked. She was looking like she’s about to have a heart-attack. Richard opened his eyes. He was fallen in the bushes under the window.

-Hmm, I found something interesting.-muttered the vampire.

He stood up.

-Mr. Blacknight…Are you all right?

-Yes, Mrs. I’m fine.-shouted he up to the window, where Grace Crow was.

-But…you jumped of the second floor!

-I know. Are you trying to tell me something?

-I…No. I’m just…surprised you’re okay. How…

-I’m a vampire. I can’t be hurt, I’m already dead.


-I have interesting news, Mrs. Crow!-interrupted her the vampire. He put his tie right, took a leaf out of his hair and continued:-Your husband just couldn’t fall. It’s impossible.

* * *


"Desolation Operation" is a story I'm going to post here. It's about a vampire detective, solving mysteries. Enjoy!

събота, 11 юни 2011 г.

Time for introducing myself

That's me:

Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Bad Blood as you already know. My parents aren't vampires like me...but sometimes I call my mother a witch, because she act like one :D I'm an outsider in school and all my schoolmates hate me, 'cause I have only good marks, I wear strange clothes, I have red tresses in my hair and-what a surprise!-because I'm a vampire and I like rock music...Yeah. All of them like terrible music like JUSTIN BIEBER and pop-shit...ugh, excuse me, pop MUSIC if that's a music at all.
And you know how mean can the kids be. Two days ago, when I was sitting under a window in front of my school, someone emptied a bottle with water on my head, but I couldn't see who that was, because he was in the school and ran away before I could smash him. My best friend's things (Burning Spin's things I mean) were all wet too. Anyway, I swore at the one, who "watered" us, a lot and I was really, really, really, REALLY PISSED OFF! If he was in front of me I could kill him, or at least bash him up. I threatened him I'll drain all of hiss blood and take a bath in it, but then I changed my mind... his dirty blood could be poisonous from so much hate.
But that was nothing. Every fucking day my classmates mock at me and Burning Spin, they call us freaks, they trip us up... Ugh. How can we tell them that we are like that only because we're vampires? No one will believe us. They'll just mock at us more.
Well, whatever. I won't torture your pour brains with my problems. I'll just tell you more about myself. I like drawing, I play the violin, the guitar and the piano, I like writing (I'm writing a novel by the way), reading and watching horror movies. I'm trying to quit the blood and...that's gonna be surprising. I wanna be vegetarian. Yup. But I can't, because I'm still a vampire and I have to eat something...hmm, let me say it like that-organic. I'm a HUGE My Chem fan and I like Nirvana too.
And I have the best friend in the whole world.
You already know her name is Burning Spin. She is at my age, she's got GREAT sense of humor, she like the same things I do and she's the only person, who understands me. She is a vampire also and I'm not sure if she's already quit the blood or not. Ask her. Whatever, we were together in the primary and the middle school and (I hope) we'll be together in the high school too. I don't know what I'm gonna do without her. Actually, she's going to write in this blog with me.
Well, I think you know enough about me now. Wait for my first story soon.
Bad Blood.

петък, 10 юни 2011 г.

Vampire breakfast

Hello again. This is one of my poems (it's for vampires, of course!), it's called Vampire Breakfast. It's meant to be lyrics for a song and I think I almost know how will the music sound. However, here is it (I hope you'll like it):


When they ask for your decision,

You can see the fear in them

To be a man in that condition

Isn’t easy, trust me, man…

It’s not your fault you’re drinking blood

It’s not your fault you’re flying higher

You’re just not in the mood

Because it’s hard to be vampire

No respect,

Just reject

They treat you like a defect

But you’re not, I bet.

The funeral starts late

Oh, happy birthday, then!

You ate a black cake

With a bloody stain

So let me in your coffin,

Share your lunch with me

It’s not just a coffee

Drain my blood and die with me

Black between the white

No one’s on your sight

The sun is shining bright…

Hey, you better hide

It’s burning from inside

Why don’t you return at night

The dark is the right

You will lose without a fight

Red rose

Black candles burning

The black crows

Are waiting your returning

The love against the hate

You will bite them both

Killing is the problem

You can never solve

So let me in your coffin

Share your lunch with me

It’s not just a coffee

You bite me, then you leave

Can you hear the church bell ringing?

Can you see the deadman walk?

Can you see the priest, who’s singing?

Who can see you need a talk?

No one, so you better go

The vampires are the only ones

Who still have a soul…

What though?

Stand the mocking

Stand the rudeness

Keep rocking!

Hurt the hurtles!

That’s the way it is

You can live with this

It doesn’t matter you’re alone

The vampires will live on!

So let me in your coffin

Share your lunch with me

It’s not just a coffee

And that’s the way it has to be…

Welcome to my coffin!

Hey there. I'm Bad Blood (my killjoy name) and you accidentally got into my deadly new blog (or not accidentally?). Here we accept vampires and vampires only... But not Twilight fans! Because-yeah, what a surprise-we hate it! Twilight is a shame for all the real vampires... Oh, I think I just lost a few readers. Whatever, I won't write about Twilight here or about shits like that. No. Here you gonna find blood, coffins, black candles, full-moons and more and more My Chemical Romance.
Now, let me say it like that-here I'll publish vampire stories, vampire poems, vampire jokes, vampire funny photos, my vampire drawings and everything about vampires at all! Because life is rough, school is awful, kids are mean, world is dirty and the only safety place is in the darkness...
And we, the vampires, love darkness...
Yeah... Rock'n'roll, motherfuckers. This time it's gonna be loud. It's gonna be black. It's gonna be creepy. It's gonna be bloody... And it's gonna hurt for the ones, who deserve to feel my revenge.
Don't forget the funny side!
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Wait for more from me-Bad Blood.