Breakfast, lunch, dinner
I eat all the same
The blood is the winner
for my meal-hurray!!!

петък, 15 юли 2011 г.

DESOLATION OPERATION. Chapter 2: Ghosts Or Damaged Mind


Richard took the newspaper from the shelve and checked the date. 23. 04. 2006. Finally the one he was looking for! He looked the first article. On the first page was a big photo of an old house-the house behind the hill, where he went before this day. He looked the title: “TERRIBLE ACCIDENT IN A COUNTRY HOUSE. OLD MAN KILLED.” Richard paid attention on the last word: “killed”. He knew it wasn’t on purpose, but he wondered if it was possible…
Actually Richard Blacknight lied that he wants to watch the match, but he just couldn’t say “I’m going to investigate some things about you tonight, Mrs. Crow”, right? He just had to do his job and that included suspecting everything and everyone. He started reading the article. There wasn’t anything interesting, at least anything he didn’t know, but words like “shocking”, “terrible” and a few “sad”-s. Richard told himself it would be more proper if the writer of the article used the word “painful” more times. The vampire thought it would be more proper if the writer of the article used the word “painful” more times. He jumped through the window though. He could feel the pain, even for a moment, but he could. That was the bad sight of being dead-his nerves still existed and they were reacting to pain, cold, hot and stuff like that. The good sight was that this wasn’t causing him problems and the sensations were quick and short, but they were stronger and, often-so painful that they could break you if you can’t control yourself. Whatever, the article wasn’t something interesting, but Richard circled some parts of it with a marker anyway. He looked for some information about Mr. and Mrs. Crow, but he couldn’t find any. So he decided to take a look at the letters he found. He didn’t leave the library-he just sat in one of comfortable sofas.
Richard just loved being in libraries, since he was a kid. He liked them, because they were quiet and peaceful and no one could disturb him there. No one read books anymore and the libraries were almost always empty. That was sad.
And he just loved the smell of the old books. It was remaining him of his early childhood. His father was a librarian and Richard spent the most of his time in the library reading or imagining stories. And then, after the thing happened…
Richard sighed. It was like a rule only for himself-“don’t think about before. It’s painful and you’ll be sorry. Think about now.”
That’s what he did-he opened his suitcase and took the letters. “Think about now.” The vampire shook his head to dispel the memories.
All the letters were old and frayed. They were put in one big brown envelope, which Richard pulled out of the bag. He carefully opened it and took one of the letters, one of the oldest. It was in yellow envelope and it was written “For my true love” on it. The vampire felt guilty reading things like this, but then he calmed himself that if the woman gave it to him, then everything is all tight. So he opened it and took the thin paper out. The strange thing he noticed was that it wasn’t looking as old as the envelope. It was a white quite new notebook page, but obviously someone tried really hard to make it look old. It was thumbed, but it was obvious that it was…fake? Definitely.
Richard checked the other letters and he found out that they were faked too. Most of them were some love letters to Mrs. Crow, only a few were from friends, but they seemed real. Except them, the only authentic letter was a bill from a restaurant, but he didn’t pay attention on it. Anyway, he came to this conclusion- Mrs. Crow was cheated, or, more likely, she faked the letters.
And she was lying from the very beginning.

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