Breakfast, lunch, dinner
I eat all the same
The blood is the winner
for my meal-hurray!!!

неделя, 21 август 2011 г.




I looked around. The snow was deep and it was making my movements slower. My breath was much hotter than the air, it was going out from my mouth like steam.

This winter was cold. Colder than the last one. I was wearing a warm long black coat, but I was just freezing. Usually no one dares to come out of his warm home in a winter like that.

Except tonight.

I stopped to take a breath. I lent an ear. Nothing-it was very quiet. Only a squirrel was moving somewhere above me. But I knew they were there. I could smell them. Their anger. Their fear…

I stared back. There was no one behind me. But I knew they were coming. They were always there. Always there to catch you. And if you let them catch you, they will kill you.

The garlic doesn’t help.

The holy water won’t help them too.

But the spike…

The spike kills.

You can’t run away. I couldn’t run forever. One day they will catch me. But I hope that won’t be tonight.

My biggest fear was that they will catch me in daytime, while I’m asleep. And if they do that, I would never wake up. I’ll be dead forever.

I was dead once. I didn’t like it. It was very boring, staying in that stupid coffin for years. And then…

Then I became a vampire.

And you know what? Vampires will never hurt you.

If you’re reading that, then I’m dead. If you’re reading that, they finally did it. They finally caught me. And if they catch you, they never let you go alive. No one will remember me. Vampires have no friends, no relationships.

Everybody hates us. But no, they don’t only hate us. They’re afraid of us. They’re afraid that we’ll suddenly go mad, grab them and bite them and drink their blood. What idiots. We are not that stupid. And you know what? I’ve never killed anyone. I drink animals’ blood. It’s even healthier.

It started snowing. I looked the snowflakes flying gracefully around me. Then I continued through the snow. I knew I’m leaving footprints and they could trace me, but I couldn’t hide the footmarks. The snow was too deep. And, besides, they had dogs. The dogs can recognize my smell wherever I go. We, the vampires, smell different than humans.

While I was walking fast between the trees, I heard shouting far behind me. Oh, no. They were coming. I quickened my pass. I heard the shouting again, this time closer. God, they were fast, too fast. And I needed a rest. But that wasn’t a game. I couldn’t get a time-out. There was no time for break. That’s something much more dangerous than a game. That was…


In that hunt only one survives. Or no one. But there always are victims.

I heard voices and I started running. They were coming…

* * *

Never let them take you alive. Or death.

I tried to breathe more quietly. A twig painfully stuck in my shoulder. I wanted to moan, but I had to keep silence. I flicked the twig and I stared down.

Under me the dogs smelled the ground. They were big brown hounds, very strong and obviously aggressive. The humans didn’t have arrived yet. Suddenly one of the dogs bayed at me.


Well, at least I tried.

The tree was high. Don’t ask me how did I climb it, it was very hard and now all I wanted to do was to lay down and sleep. I was so tired of all this running.

But I had to do something.

I looked at the dog and tried to show it who is the boss. Obviously the dog was still thinking that it was the boss, so it continued calling the people. Okay, then I had to do it the hard way.

I jumped down. All the dogs showed me their teeth, but they didn’t attack me. They knew that their masters want me alive. And somehow they felt that they can’t kill me just like that.

But fortunately for the dogs I could kill THEM.

And I did it.

I grabbed the first hound and bit it hard. The dog tore my hands with its claws. I screamed, but I continued biting it ‘till it died. Then I threw the body away.

And that was what the other dogs were waiting for.

The second attacked me from my left side, but I was faster, I grabbed it and I stroke my fangs into it. I didn’t drink much, only a few milliliters, maybe a liter, but that gave me power. Now I wasn’t feeling tired at all.

I looked the other hounds and they moved a few steps away from me. They were looking scared. And they had a reason-they knew that if they threaten me, they will be dead.

-Run!-I warned them.

The dogs turned back and ran away. I smiled contently.

-Fuckers.-I muttered. Then I continued through the snow.

I didn’t know if the dogs will come back to their masters, but maybe they would. So I had to hurry up.

Suddenly I heard something and I stopped.

A human?

Maybe. “Run!”-I told myself, but something made me stop. I felt that if I continue that road I’ll get right to their hands. I shouldn’t go there.

Another sound, this time from the left. I decided that it’s better to hide. I stepped back, looking around for a place to hide and I saw a cleft between the roots of one tree. It was large enough to hide a man. I quietly got in and stared through the hole.

I saw movement between the trees. In a second I recognized a tall man with a white winter jacket, which was perfectly blending with the snow. If I didn’t have my good night vision, I wouldn’t see him.

The man was carrying a spike.


I looked at my wristwatch. It was 4:56 AM. Almost five. Soon the sun would come up. Bad for me. The sun hurts us, it burns our skin. I knew that if I don’t get out of here to the sunrise I will be dead.

Another man joined the first one. He was shorter and I could see his face-he had blond hair and grey eyes, which were looking around nervously. The men stood next to each other and the first one said something that I couldn’t hear. The other one answered:

-The creature is somewhere here, I can feel that. The dogs can feel it too.

The first man was talking quietly and I couldn’t hear him well again. The blond guy was apparently surprised.

-Two dogs dead?! What a monster! It has to die.

Something hurt me from the inside. Maybe it was the thought that I am a monster. Was I? I didn’t think so. But it was painful to hear people talking about you like that.

Hate hurts.

The men told something to each other and then they separated. The tall guy went right, but the blond one was going right in my direction.

I didn’t want to kill anyone. The thought about killing scares me. But if I don’t have a choice…

I lunged forward and I pushed the guy on the ground. He dropped his spike and he tried to reach and get it back, but I didn’t let him. I kicked the spike in the bushes.

The man tried to shout, but I squeezed his throat.

-Help…-he wheezed.-G…George! Help…

-Shut up!-I warned him.-Or you might get hurt.


-I said…-I pressed his throat harder.-…SHUT UP!

He felt unconscious. I left him like that and I run away from that place.

While I was running, I looked at my watch again. It was 5:07 AM. Very bad. I looked up the sky. It was brighter and near the horizon it was becoming something between orange, yellow and pink. The sunrise was coming…

And the humans too. I heard their voices. I smelled them. I felt them. These two guys didn’t come alone. The others were coming for me…

I rushed forward.

* * *

Now the sky was half-pink. I got scared about my health. For a first time I preferred the spike. At least my skin wouldn’t fall of the bones. But if the light gets me…That would be painful and it would be an ugly view.

I heard noise, which startled me. I tripped and I fell on the ground. The snow filled my eyes and my mouth. I coughed and I tried to get up, but I felt terrible pain in my leg, so I crashed back down moaning. I had to hurry up, I had to get out of this place, but I couldn’t, not now, not with that pain. I needed blood and I regretted that I didn’t drink the blond guy’s blood, but I knew that if I did, I would feel guilty now. Very guilty.

I heard voices somewhere behind me and I tried to get to some cover, dragging my leg behind me. Maybe it was broken.

The voices got closer and I felt the fear inside me. I felt like bait or like an animal, traced by beast.

I continued trying to hide in the bushes, but they seemed so far to me. The snow was wetting my clothes and my hair.

-Here is it!-shouted someone behind me.

“No!”-I thought, but I couldn’t make a sound.

-Get him!-said another one.

And then they came. Like a snow-slip they attacked me and I didn’t have enough time to defend myself. I was trapped.

At first I tried to strike back. I bit one man, but there was another one behind him.

-Kill the god damn animal!-someone screamed.-Kill it! Kill it!

I was biting and scratching, trying to hit them, but I was only one and they were so many.

Sometimes comes time that you can’t run away.

I felt pain in my shoulder and red blood splashed on the white snow. The man stroke again and this time he hit my liver. Blood was coloring the snow in red. I screamed, but no one paid attention on me. No one cared that I feel pain just like them. They just wanted me dead.

I saw the spike sweeping down against me. I closed my eyes and I felt the last pain in my life. Pain in my vampire heart. The spike stuck deep in my chest. The last thing I saw were the men with white clothes running around me, shouting that I am an animal, a monster, giving advices to each other and swearing at me. Not exactly the thing that I wanted to see for last. And then…


If you’re reading this I’m already dead. I f you’re reading this, know that they are evil. Know how to defend yourself. The different are being killed, because they’re complicating the world of the common.

If you’re reading this, then they’re finished with me and are looking for another victim.

That victim can be YOU.

You have to know one thing:

Vampires will never hurt you.

Humans will.

Watch out for them if you don’t wanna get hurt.

And don’t forget who you are. YOU are one of us.

So long…

…and good night.

петък, 12 август 2011 г.

Old vampire movies

A few days ago I thought of the old vampire movies. I've never watched one, but I've seen parts of them and I find them very cool and a kinda funny. So I found these photos on the internet and I thought it would be cool to post them here. When I saw the last one I was like: wtf? omg! lol!
Whatever, I think about watching an old horror movie soon and I'm gonna tell you what was the story like and if I liked it or not. :) Okay, vampires, have a nice day and bye from me for now
Bad Blood.